The idea of KOMPAK came during my first ‘proper’ competition prep for a bodybuilding show in June 2017. As a first timer I remember feeling completely overwhelmed. Stressed. Energy was low. I was pushing myself to my limits. Then it came to about 4 weeks out. I had no idea what I needed. I had no time to get everything I needed. I reached out to people and companies who didn't seem friendly or wanted to help.

It was during these times I realised that there had to be a easier and stress free way to get show ready. With my previous experience in digital marketing and branding, working for a range of consumer brands in the fitness and fashion industry, I also became really frustrated with the lack of effort companies in the 'competing/bodybuilding' industry put into their website, their customer service, I knew I could create some better, I knew there was so much more that could be done to elevate the whole industry, so I decided to just go for it.

Thank you for visiting the site and supporting the brand. Every visit, every order matters to us, regardless of who you are in the industry.

Love Jasmin & all of the KOMPAK girls x

Shop Jasmin’s Competing Favourites

Majesty 508 / 5" Heel / Wide
Heather (non-clip and clip-on) / 12.5cm
The Post Show E-Book
The KOMPAK 3.0 Tee
Deluxe Back & Body Exfoliator Bronzie
Pro Tan Super Dark Base Coat (100ml)