Welcome to your one-stop hub for everything you need to take your competitive goals to the next level. Whether you're a first timer about to step on stage, or looking for the secrets behind posing, jewellery, skin prep and tanning. We've got everything you need to prepare, perform, and succeed as an athlete.
Bodybuilding Competition Tips, Guides + Resources
Bodybuilding: The right vs The wrong way
Within the bodybuilding industry there is a lot of conflicting advice. We are here to squash the rumors & shed some light on the options/avenues that you can take. Remember to do your research & make bodybuilding/competing work for you and your lifestyle.
How to navigate the holidays
Our top tips on how to navigate the Christmas period - Stress & guilt free! Advice that can be used for all social occasions, whether you are on prep, in your off season, maintaining etc.
Thinking About Post Show & Off Season
Read our top tips on how to handle the post-show period as you head into your ‘off-season’. Including…learning to focus on ‘different numbers’, changing your mindset & getting used to a new routine.
Best Way To Look After / Bikini, Trunks, Shoes & Jewellery
Not sure how to wash your bikini? Or make sure you’re shoes and jewellery last as long as possible? This blog tells you everything you need to know!
Most Common Mistakes To Make During Your Competition Prep
If you seriously want to avoid making the mistakes that we’ve done that stopped us from getting closer to our goals quicker, then read on as some of us open up about the mistakes and oversights we’ve made over the years when it comes to our bodybuilding preps. Which can hopefully help you all not make the same mistakes we did on our journeys to the stage.