Welcome to your one-stop hub for everything you need to take your competitive goals to the next level. Whether you're a first timer about to step on stage, or looking for the secrets behind posing, jewellery, skin prep and tanning. We've got everything you need to prepare, perform, and succeed as an athlete.
Bodybuilding Competition Tips, Guides + Resources
Here is the most current list of ALL the bodybuilding shows within Europe in 2025, including federations, dates, and locations. The excitement is REAL.
Here is the most current list of ALL the bodybuilding shows in the USA & Canada in 2025, including federations, dates, and locations. The excitement is REAL.
Here is the most current list of ALL the bodybuilding shows within Europe in 2025, including federations, dates, and locations. The excitement is REAL.
Here is the most current list of ALL the bodybuilding shows in the USA & Canada in 2025, including federations, dates, and locations. The excitement is REAL.
Here is the most current list of ALL the bodybuilding shows internationally in 2025, including federations, dates, and locations. The excitement is REAL.
Dans cet article, je vais tenter de vous expliquer au mieux les facteurs à prendre en compte pour choisir correctement votre Fédération, votre Catégorie, en fonction de vos objectifs personnels, et pourquoi pas professionnels.
Cet article n'a pas pour but de vous signifier qu'une fédération est mieux qu'une autre, ou qu’une catégorie est mieux qu’une autre, mais au contraire de vous guider dans vos choix en fonction de VOS priorités.
Vous trouverez ici la liste la plus récente de TOUTES les compétitions de Body-Building se déroulant en France pour l'année 2022, incluant des détails tels que la fédération, le nom de l'évènement, les dates et les lieux.
Not sure what to consider when choosing your posing heels? Read on for all of our tips & advice!
One of the queries we sometimes get is straps breaking. This is an issue which can often be easily avoided, and will save you having to replace your shoes quicker than you need to! Read on for our top tips on prolonging the life of your posing shoes, and some of the reasons why this issue occurs!
Whether you are a first-time bikini competitor or an experience bodybuilding competitor, it can be very confusing trying to figure our what posing shoes you are allowed when competing from one bodybuilding federation Find out which posing shoes you should choose next by checking out our posing shoe federation infographic guide.
How would we style a fit model look for the new NPC category in 2025? Let’s talk jewellery and heel selection!
When choosing your show day jewellery there are many factors that can influence your decision…but did you know your hairstyle is one of them? Read our tips and recommendations to ensure that you create the perfect overall look that flows and compliments the physique you have worked so hard for!
The final touches to your overall show day look, the little things that bring it all together....Lets talk nails!
Looking to achieve the perfect tan for your bodybuilding show? (Of course you are!). A flawless tan could be the difference between 1st & 2nd in a close line up! Read our tips & advice regarding two of our most popular products Get Buffed & Tough Scrub. When should you use each one, how should you use them and which one if the best option for you!
Thinking of doing your own tan this season? Not sure where to start? Read on to find out all of the top tips, tricks and secrets that we have discovered for the PERFECT show tan!
So, you’re in the final weeks of your prep and you are wondering how to make the most out of your final posing sessions? Whether you’re about to throw in the towel or feel the urge to practice for 10 hours straight to present your best package – these tips are for you!
Not sure what to consider when choosing your posing heels? Read on for all of our tips & advice!
Whether you’re prepping, in off-season or in the midst of some post-show blues, a photoshoot can be a really rewarding experience. As competitors, we drill the same quarter-turns into our heads for our shows time and time again, experimenting with different posing for a shoot is a fun way to step outside of your comfort zone!
So, you’re in the final weeks of your prep and you are wondering how to make the most out of your final posing sessions? Whether you’re about to throw in the towel or feel the urge to practice for 10 hours straight to present your best package – these tips are for you!
So, you’re going to be competing in 2024? Whether it is your first of fifteenth season, there are some things you could begin doing now to ensure that you are the best you can be in 2024.
Competing is hard. It takes alot from us both mentally & physically. We are pushing our minds and bodies to a place where most people won’t ever experience…so it deserves some love and appreciation!
So, you’re in the final weeks of your prep and you are wondering how to make the most out of your final posing sessions? Whether you’re about to throw in the towel or feel the urge to practice for 10 hours straight to present your best package – these tips are for you!
Here is the most current list of ALL the bodybuilding shows within Europe in 2025, including federations, dates, and locations. The excitement is REAL.
Here is the most current list of ALL the bodybuilding shows in the USA & Canada in 2025, including federations, dates, and locations. The excitement is REAL.
Peak Week : What You Need To Be Checking
Reduce stress for you bodybuilding competition peak week with our top tips on all of the things you need to be checking! As the last thing you want is to be rushing around last minute trying to organise everything for show day!
UK MUA & Hair Bodybuilding Directory
A list of trusted MUA & hair stylists within the UK for all of your bodybuilding competition show day glam needs!
So, you’re in the final weeks of your prep and you are wondering how to make the most out of your final posing sessions? Whether you’re about to throw in the towel or feel the urge to practice for 10 hours straight to present your best package – these tips are for you!