Welcome to your one-stop hub for everything you need to take your competitive goals to the next level. Whether you're a first timer about to step on stage, or looking for the secrets behind posing, jewellery, skin prep and tanning. We've got everything you need to prepare, perform, and succeed as an athlete.
Bodybuilding Competition Tips, Guides + Resources
Competing Abroad? Our top tips!
Are you thinking of doing an international bodybuilding competition? Whether you are travelling short or long haul there are a couple of things we would recommend doing to ensure that your trip is as stress-free as possible!
Thinking About Post Show & Off Season
Read our top tips on how to handle the post-show period as you head into your ‘off-season’. Including…learning to focus on ‘different numbers’, changing your mindset & getting used to a new routine.
How to Juggle Competing with a Demanding Career feat Holly Davage
Feeling disheartened when you’re pursuing a career outside of the fitness industry? If you’re struggling to juggle a demanding life and career, then read this blog from Holly Davage as she talks about how she manages competing while being a full-time clinical research scientist where she is responsible for coordinating clinical trials for children with Cystic Fibrosis.