Welcome to your one-stop hub for everything you need to take your competitive goals to the next level. Whether you're a first timer about to step on stage, or looking for the secrets behind posing, jewellery, skin prep and tanning. We've got everything you need to prepare, perform, and succeed as an athlete.
Bodybuilding Competition Tips, Guides + Resources
Last minute posing tips you really can’t afford to miss before show day!
So, you’re in the final weeks of your prep and you are wondering how to make the most out of your final posing sessions? Whether you’re about to throw in the towel or feel the urge to practice for 10 hours straight to present your best package – these tips are for you!
What to do NOW so you can be the best you can be in 2024
So, you’re going to be competing in 2024? Whether it is your first of fifteenth season, there are some things you could begin doing now to ensure that you are the best you can be in 2024.
Self Care isn't optional, it's ESSENTIAL as an athlete/competitor
Competing is hard. It takes alot from us both mentally & physically. We are pushing our minds and bodies to a place where most people won’t ever experience…so it deserves some love and appreciation!
Competing Abroad? Our top tips!
Are you thinking of doing an international bodybuilding competition? Whether you are travelling short or long haul there are a couple of things we would recommend doing to ensure that your trip is as stress-free as possible!
Competing and the things that no-one is talking about
There are many things considered ‘taboo’ within the industry, or things that happen to lots of us but simply aren’t spoken about enough. We wrote this blog in the hopes that it eases your mind & makes it clear that you aren’t alone in the things you are potentially experiencing.
Bodybuilding: The right vs The wrong way
Within the bodybuilding industry there is a lot of conflicting advice. We are here to squash the rumors & shed some light on the options/avenues that you can take. Remember to do your research & make bodybuilding/competing work for you and your lifestyle.
Competing: How to choose the right category for YOU.
Are you planning to compete in your first bodybuilding competition…but not sure what category/class you should enter? It can be confusing there are quite a few (& they can also differ within federations too!). Read our top tips on choosing the correct one for you!
Peak Week : What You Need To Be Checking
Reduce stress for you bodybuilding competition peak week with our top tips on all of the things you need to be checking! As the last thing you want is to be rushing around last minute trying to organise everything for show day!
Skin Prep: Get Buffed vs Tough Stuff
Looking to achieve the perfect tan for your bodybuilding show? (Of course you are!). A flawless tan could be the difference between 1st & 2nd in a close line up! Read our tips & advice regarding two of our most popular products Get Buffed & Tough Scrub. When should you use each one, how should you use them and which one if the best option for you!
How To Choose (A) Federation(s)
Choosing a federation can be overwhelming…there’s SO many to choose from! The KOMPAK team have experience in most federations & we are here to help you make that decision a little easier! Wheter you are looking for a bodybuilding vibe or a fitness/fashion one…bikini, wellness, figure etc we’ve got you!
How to navigate the holidays
Our top tips on how to navigate the Christmas period - Stress & guilt free! Advice that can be used for all social occasions, whether you are on prep, in your off season, maintaining etc.
Thinking About Post Show & Off Season
Read our top tips on how to handle the post-show period as you head into your ‘off-season’. Including…learning to focus on ‘different numbers’, changing your mindset & getting used to a new routine.
10 things we wish we did differently at our last show
We have made mistakes (& learnt from them!) when it comes to show day. So we have collated a list of tips for you to ensure that you don't make the same ones at your next bodybuilding show…you’re welcome!
FAQ Posing Shoe Topic/Recap
Not sure what to consider when choosing your posing heels? Read on for all of our tips & advice!
Doing Your Own Tan: The Secrets They Don't Tell You About
Thinking of doing your own tan this season? Not sure where to start? Read on to find out all of the top tips, tricks and secrets that we have discovered for the PERFECT show tan!
Best Way To Look After / Bikini, Trunks, Shoes & Jewellery
Not sure how to wash your bikini? Or make sure you’re shoes and jewellery last as long as possible? This blog tells you everything you need to know!
Most Common Mistakes To Make During Your Competition Prep
If you seriously want to avoid making the mistakes that we’ve done that stopped us from getting closer to our goals quicker, then read on as some of us open up about the mistakes and oversights we’ve made over the years when it comes to our bodybuilding preps. Which can hopefully help you all not make the same mistakes we did on our journeys to the stage.
Show Day List: What to pack (male+female)
Download your full packing list for your bodybuilding competition here for both male and female! Whether you're a bodybuilding competitor or a bikini girl we've got you covered with our essentials and extras that you'll need on the day! Taking the stress out of packing your show day bag!
Posing, Presence & Practice! Playing The Winning Part.
IFBB Bikini Athlete, Posing Coach and Personal Trainer Charly gives some words of advice which have helped her succeed so far with posing, placings and confidence on stage.
Setting Yourself Up For A Successful Contest Prep Featuring Danni Bosworth
Bikini competitor and online coach Danni Bosworth explains what every bodybuilding/fitness competitor should make sure they have nailed before they pick a show date and embark upon the fat loss phase of contest prep.