Welcome to your one-stop hub for everything you need to take your competitive goals to the next level. Whether you're a first timer about to step on stage, or looking for the secrets behind posing, jewellery, skin prep and tanning. We've got everything you need to prepare, perform, and succeed as an athlete.
Bodybuilding Competition Tips, Guides + Resources
Competition Jewellery: Everything You Need To Know FAQ
Covering all female categories including Bikini, Wellness, Figure and Fitness. Selecting the right jewellery is the best way to make those final touches to create the “overall package” that the judges want to see! When it comes to jewellery, there’s probably a little more to it than you think!! So we’ve put together our top tips for everything you need to know before you make your decision for your show!
10 ways to wear your posing shoes OFF the bodybuilding stage
Our top tips and inspiration for making your heels slay both on AND off the stage!
Avoid Heel Straps Breaking & Why It Happens
One of the queries we sometimes get is straps breaking. This is an issue which can often be easily avoided, and will save you having to replace your shoes quicker than you need to! Read on for our top tips on prolonging the life of your posing shoes, and some of the reasons why this issue occurs!
Tanning FAQ’s - What ACTUALLY Happens?
Not sure what the whole process is? How many layers of tan you’ll need? What happens and what to expect? This blog covers everything you need to know before stepping into that tent!
Best Way To Look After / Bikini, Trunks, Shoes & Jewellery
Not sure how to wash your bikini? Or make sure you’re shoes and jewellery last as long as possible? This blog tells you everything you need to know!
How To Avoid A Patchy Tan & Back To Back Show Advice
Back to back shows? Want to know the best & easiest way to get rid of your competition show without patches? This blog is a MUST for you.
UK Bodybuilding Show Calendar 2021
Find here the most current list of ALL the bodybuilding shows happening in the UK next year in 2021 including federation details, shows, dates, and locations.
Bikini Bite vs Bikini Tape : THE FACTS
We break down everything you need to know about these two products. Including how to use, when to use, and whether you need both, one of them, or neither of them!
Should you do your own bodybuilding competition tan?
Want to start doing your own show day? Read everything you need to know in this blog. Learn the tricks, control exactly how you want to look, and save money long term.
The Ultimate Posing Shoe Federation Guide (UK)
Whether you are a first-time bikini competitor or an experience bodybuilding competitor, it can be very confusing trying to figure our what posing shoes you are allowed when competing from one bodybuilding federation Find out which posing shoes you should choose next by checking out our posing shoe federation infographic guide.
First Timers FAQ's with Helen Peebles
Calling all first-timers! Not sure what to expect? Confused about what you should be focusing on right now and what to even tackle first? This blog we cover it all as we chatted to our girl Helen who is a pro at helping first-timers navigate their first-ever competitive season and beyond.
Troubleshooting Your Posing Shoe Problem & Shoe Accessories
Could one of these shoe accessories solve your posing shoe problem? There are tonnes of solutions and products and hacks that can help you in this blog.
IFBB Figure Pro Q&A with Erin Thomson
We find out more about UK IFBB Figure Pro Athlete Erin Thomson chatting all things competing, her background and her top tips for all female competitors.
#1 Competing Budget Planner
Trying to keep a hold of how much you are spending can become overwhelming when you’re competing. It’s also easy to forget every little thing. This is why we have decided to create the very first ‘Competing Budget Planner’ to help you stay on track every step of the way.
Most Common Mistakes To Make During Your Competition Prep
If you seriously want to avoid making the mistakes that we’ve done that stopped us from getting closer to our goals quicker, then read on as some of us open up about the mistakes and oversights we’ve made over the years when it comes to our bodybuilding preps. Which can hopefully help you all not make the same mistakes we did on our journeys to the stage.
Show Day List: What to pack (male+female)
Download your full packing list for your bodybuilding competition here for both male and female! Whether you're a bodybuilding competitor or a bikini girl we've got you covered with our essentials and extras that you'll need on the day! Taking the stress out of packing your show day bag!